Primary Activities

Teachers' Day & Management Day

Teachers' Day & Management Day (10th September, 2022)
"Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat Parabrahma
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah"

Young Patricians of the Primary Wing celebrated the Teachers' Day and Management Day with full enthusiasm and reverence for their teachers and respected Sisters.
Under the able leadership of Sr Anjana, the students performed a scintillating cultural show to express their gratitude and respect, in recognition of the selfless sacrifices put in by the Sisters and teachers towards their development.
There were fun games and refreshments for the teachers, which helped them to unwind and spend some precious time in each others company.
Sr Suneela prepared the Vote of thanks on behalf of the management, and Ma'am Neelam proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of the teachers.